Till was built for families. Traditional banks are not.

3 min read

Your bank was probably not built with your family life in mind.
You want your kids to be wise about money. To learn to earn, spend, save, and even borrow. You want your kids to grow into being smarter spenders. Guess what? Till’s got your back.
Your regular bank might have everything you want and need for your banking. And our goal is not at all to replace your bank, that’s not our jam. But we’d like to humbly suggest that your bank was probably not built with your family life in mind. Most banks are geared to the needs of adults, with checking, savings, online banking, and bill pay. These are not helpful or even accessible features for kids.
Made for You
At Till, we have created a way of banking that is specifically tailored for families, so parents can meet kids where they are (on their phones) and have a way to engage about money. The Till app provides a familiar venue for parents and kids alike to have conversations about spending decisions. We know it’s hard to talk to your kids about important issues like money. We want to turn the potential confrontation into conversation. We want your kids to gain the confidence and knowledge to make responsible decisions.
We believe the path to independence is through collaboration and practice.
We believe the path to independence is through collaboration and practice. With Till, parents and kids work together to build smart spending habits. We put kids in the driver’s seat to learn by doing. With your ability to track what’s happening, kids get the hands-on experience to develop a money management skill set, learning to earn, spend, save, and borrow.
Earning is Easy
With the Till app and debit card, any way your kid earns, Till is there to help. You can pay their Allowance with the Till app, and set an automatic payment schedule, or pay for specific tasks they have completed, if they do something like wash your car, or mow the lawn. If your kid has a neighborhood job, like babysitting, they can be paid via a community member payment. When they get that first job, their employer can even direct deposit pay into their Till account.

Spending is an important part of money management. Till lets you give your kids their own access to money, and you get real-time notifications about their spending. If your kid is out in the world and needs money on the spot and it’s not in their account, you can do a quick give to cover it with money from your parent wallet, or do an instant transfer. You can both review their spending history in the app, and talk about it.
To learn about saving, you can collaboratively set savings goals, and then your kids can practice independently. Let’s say they are saving for a new bike, you can both track savings progress, and discuss the results of their efforts.
By letting parents and kids work together to build smart spending habits, kids can safely start to flex their financial muscles.
Money Moments
To help foster those important conversations, or “money moments” as we call them, Till serves up ideas of how to engage with your kids around money. We want to take the stress out of the conversations and just help you have an ongoing dialogue.
By letting parents and kids work together to build smart spending habits, kids can safely start to flex their financial muscles. They get hands-on experience, and you are part of it. It’s like when they learn to ride a bike, at first you hang onto the bike, and then once they’ve got it, you can start to let go and let them ride. So let them ride, with your support, and with Till.
This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for individualized professional advice.
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